Desktop Components for Qt 5

According to this recent poll, Desktop Components is one of the most desired add-ons for Qt Quick 2. To help make this a reality we have moved the Desktop Components project over to and are now accepting contributions, for both the Qt Quick 1 & 2 versions. Several good contributions have been made already, and at the same time a few of us here at Nokia have been working on bringing the components up to speed on Qt 5.

The components are hosted as a Qt Playground project and won't be a part of the 5.0 release. They will instead have separate releases, most likely in sync with the Qt 5 releases. At some point we will look at making them a proper part of Qt 5.

Project details are available at the wiki. Here's a quick getting started script:

git clone qtdesktopcomponents
git checkout qt5
make install
cd qmldesktopviewer; qmake; make; cd..
qmldesktopviewer/qmldesktopviewer examples/TopLevel.qml

Do you want to contribute? There are several open tasks, including:

  • Add a menu bar component
  • Add support for mouse wheel events
  • Style polishing on your favorite platform
  • Update: Tree View!

Finally, screenshot time (all on Qt 5):


Mac OS X



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