Qt Blog

Qt Installer Framework and Online Installer 4.4.2 released

Written by Katja Marttila | Sep 26, 2022

We are happy to announce the Qt Installer Framework, Online Installer, and Maintenance Tool 4.4.2 releases today. 

This patch release contains some bug fixes:
- Installer is not asking firewall exceptions in Windows any more (QTIFW-2746)
- Maintenance Tool is signed in Windows. (QTBUG-102011)
- In uninstall, all installer files and folders are now removed (QTIFW-884)
- License writing changes (QTIFW-903, QTIFW-1436)

Read the Changelog for a complete list of changes.  

Where to get the IFW and the installer?

Precompiled binaries for the Installer Framework can be downloaded from Qt Online Installer, sources and binaries can be found also on the Qt Download page (open source) or in Qt Account for commercial users. The latest documentation can also be found online.

The new installer is available in Qt Downloads and  Qt Account for commercial users. Maintenance Tool is updated using the existing installation(s) Maintenance Tool.


Thanks to everyone, who has contributed to the release.