Sido Lyon 2024

Cité Internationale, Lyon, , 9:00 Sep 18, 2024 UTC +2

Meet Qt Group at Sido Lyon, the leading event for the convergence of IoT, AI, XR, and Robotics technologies.

You find Qt Group from ST Ecosystem booth. Meet our experts and see the latest Qt demos.

Don't miss out the workshop by Yoann Lopes, Qt and Philippe Page, STMicroelectronics on topic: Développement efficace des interfaces graphiques, l’importance du socle hardware et du BSP on 18.9. at 15:30-16:15.

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Location Cité Internationale, Lyon, ,
Starts 9:00 Sep 18, 2024 UTC +2
Ends 18:00 Sep 19, 2024 UTC +2
Type Trade shows & seminars

Language French, English
Topics Qt, MCU, MPU
Organizer Infopro Digital/Sido Lyon