Qt vs. HTML5

Software can live for over 20 years, and  picking the right development platform has a long-term impact on overall cost, development time and user experience.

In this whitepaper, two independent software engineering companies have compared Qt with HTML5 and their relative strengths and weaknesses.

Enjoy reading!



The Full-Stack Comparison

HTML 5 Whitepaper-1


Free whitepaper download

This white paper by Sequality software engineering compares HTML5 and Qt software architectures including their backend software layers.

Discover how the two technologies compare, including:

  • Development procedure 
  • Comparison between Qt and HTML5
  • Development experience
  • Performance results
  • Software management and sustainability

Qt or HTML?
A Million Dollar Question

This white paper explains how and why one of the world’s largest home appliance manufacturers could save millions by using Qt over HTML and how you can save over 50% in hardware costs by doing the same.

Qt QML vs HTML5 –
A Practical Comparison 

One man takes 160 hours to create a demo application of an embedded system using Qt & QML and same number of hours to create the very equivalent application using HTML5.  Discover how the two technologies compare.

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