It took a while, but finally, the Qt Ambassador Program makes its introduction to the Qt World. The call for Qt Ambassador applications is now open to all. Yippie!
During our first Beta phase of the Qt Ambassador Program via, we received 85 applications and have so far accepted 30 ambassadors. Props to the CiMPLE project by Think Labs (a visual programming language for children to program robotic kits) for being the first-ever Qt Ambassador. Bravo indeed.
What is the Qt Ambassador Program?
The Qt Ambassador Program is a membership-only program that honors Qt development projects. All developers around the world who create products and projects with Qt are eligible to apply. Membership to the Qt Ambassador Program is free and based on your outstanding and innovative Qt project.
Note: The Qt Ambassador Program is still in a Beta phase, so of course, there is a slight possibility that you may encounter certain kinks and quirks that need some ironing out. Make sure to send your feedback directly to qt-ambassador (at)