Qt 5.9.5 Released

Qt 5.9.5 is released today. As a patch release Qt 5.9.5 does not add any new functionality, but provides important bug fixes and other improvements.

Compared to Qt 5.9.4, the new Qt 5.9.5 contains over  100 bug fixes. In total there are around 450 changes in Qt 5.9.5 compared to Qt 5.9.4. For details of the most important changes, please check the Change files of Qt 5.9.5.

Qt 5.9 LTS has entered ‘Strict’ phase in the beginning of February. It continues to receive important bug fixes and significant performance fixes still during the ‘Strict’ phase. Intention is to reduce risk of regressions and behavior changes by restricting the changes to the most important ones. We also continue to create new Qt 5.9.x patch releases, but with slower cadence than earlier.

Qt 5.9.5 can be updated to using the maintenance tool of the online installer. For new installations, please download latest online installer from Qt Account portal or from qt.io Download page. Offline packages are available for commercial users in the Qt Account portal and at the qt.io Download page for open-source users.

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