Qt Installer Framework 3.2.2 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Installer Framework with version 3.2.2. Also Qt Online Installer and Qt Maintenance tool are updated to use version 3.2.2.

IFW 3.2.2 precompiled binares are built using Qt 5.12.7. Main reason for updating to Qt 5.12.7 from previously used Qt 5.12.4. was the bug in QTemporaryFile which prevented some users to install with Qt Installer or to build their own installers with IFW.

The list of bug fixed can be found from ChangeLog.

Precompiled binaries for the Installer Framework can be downloaded from Qt Online Installer, sources and binaries can be found also in Qt Download page (open source) or in your Qt Account. The latest documentation can also be found online.


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