Driving Down Automotive Costs for Richer HMIs with Qt & i.MX RT1170
Automotive HMI solutions traditionally require complicated hardware and extensive architecture to accomplish every goal. In the world of microcontrollers (MCU), we can create dedicated systems to fit the requirements together with richer and snappier graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This reduces development time, cost and also distributes specialized parts of the system into separate hardware units. Join us to start creating richer UIs with specialized parts of the system with a dual-core architecture. We will cover: - An introduction to Qt for MCUs, Qt Quick Ultralite runtime - APIs to accelerate your next scalable HMI application - Challenges creating vehicle solutions and why NXP i.MX RT1170 MCUs - Rapid prototyping embedded GUIs on the hardware - Distribution of system responsibilities between two cores - Handling CAN bus on secondary core and passing the data between two cores. Attendees will find the final dual-core architecture design using Qt for MCUs running on NXP i.MX RT1170 for optimized speed and power consumption. Take a sneak peek! Speakers: Aurindam Jana, Product Director, The Qt Company Marcin Lisowski, C++/Embedded Software Engineer, Siili_Auto
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