Minimizing Risks When Building an Instrument Cluster HMI {On-demand webinar}


Realizing your UX vision for an instrument cluster is often not straight forward and easy. Since designers and developers typically use a different set of toolchains without interoperability, it makes collaboration time consuming, iterations slow, and the end-product does not fulfill customer expectations. In this presentation, we will show how a product team could benefit by using an integrated toolchain from design, development through to deployment. That way, you can avoid all the common pitfalls, prototype rapidly, iterate fast, resulting in high-performance user interfaces and applications for your NXP hardware.

See it to believe it! Learn about:

- User experience design methods (Agile UX, Agile Development, Model View)

- UX Vision and minimizing common pitfalls

- Technical tutorial on how to build a Car HMI   

- Creating applications fast on NXP devices  

Qt is a powerful application and UI design framework used to build the technology in millions of vehicles, medical, and consumer devices. The Qt Company and NXP have collaborated for many years to accelerate graphics solutions and ensure excellent user experience for NXP device creators.


Harrison Donahue, Business Development Manager, The Qt Company

Corey Pendleton, Senior Pre Sales Engineer, The Qt Company
