Qt Insight 1.5 released

We are happy to announce about the Qt Insight 1.5 release.

In the new release, it is possible to send any QEvents automatically to the backend. This makes it easy to automatically track events in both C++ widgets and QML items. In QML, you still use categories to enable or filter tracking of screen view and click events. To enable tracking of QEvents, you just need to list the events in the insight.conf file. This new features requires an updated version of the Tracker library, which is available in Qt 6.6.0 release. You can easily get the new library using the Qt Online Installer or Maintenance Tool. 

    categories" : [ "coffee" ],
    "events" : [

Event names have been updated to better describe the event semantics. Screen view events are renamed as Transition events and click events as Custom interactions. If there are Custom interactions, are there some Automatic interactions as well. Yes, there are as you can see in the screen shot below. Automatic events are QEvents, automatically tracked, if needed. 


Event types in Qt Insight web console

Device filter

Many customers have requested a filter to analyse the behaviour of a single user. It is now possibly with a device filter. The device id does not identify the user, but the behaviour may identify a particular user. This is why we still conduct the legal check, what this feature requires from the European data privacy protection rules. This feature is available in the private cloud only. 

Event export

Event export has been another frequently requested feature. Organization administrators can export the events using a selected time range and one of free file formats: CSV, JSON or PARQUEST.


Data export

In addition, there have been several UI improvements to clarify the presented information and providing users with a smoother reading experience. Many bugs have been fixed as well.

Try Qt Insight yourself!

Anyone can try Qt Insight for free for 60 days. It is available for both open-source and commercial users. Please use the Qt Insight Getting Started link to start your own journey into Qt Insight.

Check also what Qt Insight is all about and read how it can help your business and product development.





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