Qt Multimedia's FFmpeg backend plugin added into Qt 6.5.5

The LTS Commercial Qt 6.5.5 was released with a known issue QTBUG-122889, that is, Qt Multimedia's FFmpeg backend plugin was missing from the release due to the provisioning bug. This affected the Windows and Android armeabi-v7a platforms where only the native media backend was available. The bug has been now fixed into Qt 6.5.5 and the fix is available as follows:

  • In the Qt Maintenance tool, you'll see 6.5.5-1-<timestamp> in the Select Components > New Version column for the updated components
  • In the Qt Online Installer, SHA1 for the updated 6.5.5 release is 60047d1e1757820e4c571da8a680bbf14e22f0de
  • In Qt Account:
    • Qt debug files have been updated for Windows.
    • Updated Qt 6.5.5 release note is available in Downloads: select Product: Qt and Version: 6.5.5.
    • Qt for Python is available as follows:
      • Product: Qt for Python Commercial Wheels, Version: Qt for Python Commercial Wheels
      • Product: Qt for Python (Commercial LTS), Version: Qt for Python (Commercial LTS)
  • In Git, the tag is: v6.5.5-1-lts

The bug fix does not affect Qt 6.5.5 on Linux and macOS.


If you have any problems with the commercial LTS releases, please contact Qt Support. You can also create bugs to https://bugreports.qt.io, but in addition, it is recommended to notify the support team about it.

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