Qt Creator in Space | Tools | #QtWS21
In this talk, you will learn good practices in creating Qt Creator plugins and hear experiences on how to create and maintain a portfolio of plugins. As a real case, the SpaceCreator suite, used by European Space Agency to develop embedded SW for a mission-critical system, will be introduced. The European Space Agency (ESA) uses QtCreator with a set of custom-made plugins for developing embedded software for mission-critical software. The suite is named SpaceCreator and generates software models from the GUI editors. These models are used by other tools of the TASTE platform to generate and compile code. Both SpaceCreator and TASTE are developed by ESA and are fully open source. While targeted for the aerospace agency the tools are equally suited for other industries.
Speaker: Alessandro Portale (Principal Software Engineer, The Qt Company), Günter Schwann (Viking Software)
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