Lighthouse is integrated!

Breaking news: The lighthouse branch just passed the quality gate of the continuous integration system, and is now integrated into Qt's master branch. This means that Lighthouse is now part of the code base that is going to be released as Qt 4.8. Just to be clear: this does not necessarily mean that Lighthouse will be an officially supported platform for 4.8; that is a separate decision not made by the Lighthouse project team.

(For those who haven't followed the whole saga in detail: Lighthouse is the project name for the Qt Platform Abstraction - making it much easier to port Qt to new platforms.)

In other news, we have decided to move Lighthouse development over to the master branch. We will no longer update the 4.7 branch of the lighthouse repository. The very latest lighthouse changes will continue to be available at The public Lighthouse repository. We are planning to integrate changes into Qt master about once a week, provided they pass the QA gate of the CI system.

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