The best way of learning Qt is by practice; making an application with Qt.
Once you become skilled developing with Qt, why should you go a step further and certify your Qt competence? Here are some of the reasons why over 150 developers took our certification exam at Qt Developer Days this year.
1 - Validation of your Qt knowledge can advance your career, showing a commitment to learn and excel, which is absolutely necessary in a changing industry.
2 - Qt is used in 70 different industries. The Job Trend at shows 300% relative growth for Qt/C++ developers since October 2010. Certification validates your Qt knowledge as relevant for this rapidly growing job market.
3 - The recent explosion of online app stores and touch-enabled phones shows how rapidly the software market is changing, and there are literally millions of devices to develop for. Because of this, Qt skills are in more demand than ever before. If you are certified, you have proof you are properly skilled and part of this growing, rapidly changing development environment. Qt certification validates that you're equipped for whatever change may come next.
Professional programmers aren't the only beneficiaries of certification. We also have an academic program for students who are learning and using Qt at university. Ten of top 100 technical universities in the world are already using Qt in teaching.
As part of our academic program, students get a considerable Qt certification discount. The discount is more for students at universities which participate in the academic program.
You can do the Qt certification exam at 3000 different places all over the world.
You should have a minimum of 6-12 months hands-on programming experience to take the Qt Essentials Certification Exam. Many of you have that already, which should make preparation easy! We have also made a curriculum available that gives tips on readings for preparing to Qt certification.