We have released Qt 6.9 Beta 1 today. As usual, Qt 6.9 Beta 1 is available via Qt Online Installer. In addition, the source packages are available in the Qt Account Portal for commercial users and in the opensource download area for opensource users.
What's new in Qt 6.9
To see what new Qt 6.9 brings, please check "What's new" -documentation for Qt 6.9. Note that the documentation is still under construction, so some of the Qt 6.9 feature highlights are still missing and the documentation will be updated during the beta phase.
Provide feedback
I hope you will find time to try the Qt 6.9 Beta releases and provide us your feedback. For any issues you may find, please submit a detailed bug report to bugreports.qt.io. You are also welcome to join the Qt Project mailing lists and developer forums discussions.
Qt 6.9 release plan
We will release new beta releases during the beta phase so please check updates regularly from the online installer. Our target is to release Qt 6.9.0 during March 2025. See more details about Qt 6.9 schedule from Qt 6.9 releasing wiki.