QA for Qt Projects

Everything You Need for Software Quality Assurance

Qt Quality Assurance tools allow you to perform cross-technology/device GUI testing, code coverage analysis of your entire test framework, static code analysis, and check the compliance of your software architecture. Use one tool standalone, a pair, or all of them together to intercept software erosion within your Qt project.

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GUI Tester

Known as Squish from Froglogic acquisition

The Squish GUI Tester is a tool for functional GUI test automation. From within a powerful Squish IDE, users can record, author, debug, and execute scripted or Behavior-Driven Developed test cases for their desktop, mobile, web, or embedded GUI and HMI. Working cross-platform, cross-device, and cross-technology, Squish supports automating virtually all toolkits in today's market, with unparalleled support for the Qt Framework.

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Powerful & Flexible UI Control Recognition

Squish supports object-aware UI control recognition, plus image-based testing, allowing for stable, easily maintained and powerful tests.

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Intuitive Integrated Development Environment

Record, re-factor, debug, execute and maintain your scripts from a user- friendly, intuitive, and powerful Squish IDE.

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Real-World Scripting Languages

Automate your GUI tests in one of five scripting languages available: Python(2,3), JavaScript, Perl, Ruby and Tcl

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Integrated Remote Control

Remotely control your device and pick UI objects for inspection via a fully integrated remote control solution that works on virtually any target.

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Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Recognize and verify on-screen text easily with AI-based OCR engines, and couple this to your object- or image- based tests.

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Test Verification & Validation

Insert verification points to confirm expected behaviour of your test scripts. Squish supports object property, screen- shot, visual and OCR-based VPs.

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Code Coverage Analysis

Known as Coco from Froglogic acquisition

Coco is a multi-language, multi-platform code coverage analysis and profiling tool. Automatic instrumentation is used to measure and report the test coverage of functions, statements and conditions in your application code. Fit also for safety-critical systems, Coco can be used in compliance with regulatory safety mandates in automotive, medical, avionics, railway or other industries.

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Supported Languages & Platforms

Modern, up-to-date language support for C/C++, C#, SystemC, QML and Tcl applications.

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Integration Into Your Toolchain

Coco supports a wide range of compilers like GCC, Visual Studio, embedded compilers and more.

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Optimized Execution & Impact Analysis

Optimize the order of test execution to give the most coverage in the shortest amount of time. Analyze the riskiness of a last minute code patch via test impact analysis.

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Test Framework & CI Integrations

Make use of ready-made integrations for popular unit test frameworks like CppUnit, Google Test or QTest, or bring your own generic-type framework.

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Built-in Function Profiler

Assess and optimize code performance with a built-in profiling extension. Zero-in on areas of your code deserving of refactoring and identify performance bottlenecks.

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Distribute, Blackbox Testing

Keep your source code secure while enabling QA to view test coverage data and manage their test executions, no matter where they are geographically.

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Test Results, Management & Analysis

Known as Test Center from Froglogic acquisition

Test Center is a centralized test result management platform which organizes, aggregates and monitors your software test results as your application evolves. Web-based, lightweight and easily accessed from any browser, Test Center quickly provides application health insights at-a-glance, and for the whole team in a cross-collaborative way. Test Center also brings with it ready-made integrations to many test and requirements management, bug tracking, and CI tools teams already use in their workflow to establish traceability, and connect test automation to the entire development process.

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Members from PM, Dev and QA teams can use Test Center uniquely and cross-collaboratively: its high-level overview to drill-down design gives the needed information to the right team member quickly and efficiently.

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Data Aggregation & Failure Spotting

Multi-configuration test reports, from cross-device or cross-OS tests are organized and aggregated upon import to help you spot failures quickly. Built-in historical reporting captures the health of your app as it evolves.

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Bug, Test & Requirements Tool Integrations

Map and synchronize data from your favorite 3rd-party bug tracking, test or requirements management tool to the tests managed by your Test Center instance to establish traceability. Test Center offers integrations with tools like QAComplete, TestRail, Jira, and more.

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Code Repository Support

Git user for version control? View the context in which a test failure occurred by jumping directly to the script source code using Test Center's repository integration.

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Auto-Reporting & Continuous Integration

Import your results to Test Center via one of its CI system integrations for instant, updated analysis. Test Center details your test health using a number of auto-reported statistics and graphical analyses.

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Anywhere Access

Test Center was built from the beginning to be a central, lightweight place to review your test reports -- access it via the web on any device, at any time.

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Static Code Analysis & Architecture Verification

Known as Axivion Suite from Axivion acquisition

Effective tools for the detection of code smells that help you to identify technical debt or to avoid them from the outset in order to keep your software projects maintainable and expandable in the future.

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Seamless CI Integration

The Axivion Suite runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS, can be integrated into almost all CI environments, such as Jenkins or Bamboo, and supports various build tools, like make, cmake, msbuild, scons and gradle.

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Meeting industry standard

Our static code analysis checks your software projects for style violations according to MISRAAUTOSAR C++14CERT or C Secure Coding – many rules from CWE can also be checked.

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Tailored to your needs

Together with our customers, we devise and implement project-related coding guidelines. We also provide support in the fields of architecture verification, tool classification and qualification, amongst others (including for ISO 26262 and IEC 62304).

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