The Company adheres to the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Securities Market Association on 1 January 2020 and discloses relevant statements on the remuneration of its governing bodies and other management team pursuant to the Governance Code and other applicable regulations.
Read more on the key principles of remuneration:
Qt Group’s remuneration model may include fixed and variable remuneration components, such as:
Short-term incentive schemes have an earning period of maximum one year, and the associated reward is paid in cash.
Short-term incentive schemes include no personal or department-specific reward criteria for the CEO or the Management Team; instead, these criteria are directly linked to company-level targets.
To promote cooperation within the Company’s senior management and align senior managers’ interests with the company’s long-term and short-term goals, the reward criteria for all senior managers are identical.
The company endeavors to ensure that short-term incentive schemes cover a substantial share of the company’s personnel. Unlike the incentive schemes applicable to Company management, the incentive schemes applicable to other personnel may include reward criteria associated with personal, team-specific or department-specific performance. Especially in sales, incentives are based on an individual’s performance in comparison with their personal sales targets.
The purpose of any long-term incentive schemes employed by the Company is to motivate, engage and reward the CEO, the rest of the Management Team and, if applicable, other key Company personnel. Long-term incentive schemes have a minimum earning period of three years, and the associated rewards are paid in shares or options. A portion of such rewards may also be paid in cash, for example, to account for the tax effects associated with the reward.
Updated: Mar 22, 2024
Qt Group includes The Qt Company Oy and its global subsidiaries and affiliates.