
Welcome To the Brand Style Guide of Qt Group

Here you will find the brand guidelines and assets for Qt Group.

How To Design For Qt Group

This guide will help you to implement the Qt Group brand identity into your design, ensuring the proper use of the brand and consistent look and feel across different media and channels. You will have an overview of the respective use of assets, including logos, colors, iconography, and other graphical elements.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the brand.

Getting Started

In this brand guide, you will find:

  • Guidelines on how to use Qt Group brand assets
  • Dos and Don’ts – examples of how the assets should be used
  • Download links to assets in each section


If you have any questions or concerns, you are missing some brand elements, or are unsure if your communication is according to the Qt Group brand guidelines, please contact us at brand@qt.io.